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Mikko's History


Mikko wrote his Master's thesis for Nokia on directional microphones in 2001 and then worked in Nokia's company-wide platform microphone team for 10 years with job titles ranging from design engineer to principal specialist. During Mikko's stay in the microphone development team Nokia was the biggest microphone buyer in the world. Roughly 3 billion microphones were supplied to more than 100 mobile phone projects under his watch. He was responsible for leading the microphone team, defining and specifying the microphones, as well as managing microphone suppliers who developed and manufactured the microphones.


In late 2011, Mikko decided to see what's on the other side of the table and moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to work at Akustica, the MEMS microphone manufacturing subsidiary of Bosch. He worked in the marketing team, first as the Director of Systems Engineering and then as the Director of Product Innovation. He defined the product development activities of the company on a 3 - 5 year scope, continuing his quest for sound capture excellence.


Mikko returned back to Finland in the summer of 2016 to found Mosomic. In the beginning of 2022 he accepted Bosch Sensortec's offer to join the company as a Senior Product Manager in the MEMS Acoustic Systems team.