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No more struggling with the task of choosing the right supplier and microphone model and optimizing its implementation.

Services for Microphone Buyers and Users


Microphone Integration (/ Implementation)

There is a long list of things that designers must know about integrating microphones (MEMS or ECM) into consumer electronics devices and other applications. Any small thing that goes wrong in the electrical, acoustical or mechanical integration can end up causing problems with manufacturability, performance or reliability, costing a lot in terms of time, money and company reputation. Mosomic offers its vast experience in avoiding the pitfalls to all customers who want to sleep their nights better. Mosomic also provides training on microphone integration. 


Microphones in Speech UIs and Speech-Driven AI Systems

Reliable high-performance microphones are needed in speech user interfaces, noise cancellation systems and other microphone arrays. Mosomic has solid expertise on microphones and electrical / acoustical / mechanical phenomena related to implementing an array of microphones. We also have close connections to far field noise cancellation system providers as well as test houses with whom we can set up the system for the highest possible performance and then verify that the performance is on the highest possible level.


Microphone Component and Supplier Selection

Choosing the right microphone supplier for an important project may be a daunting task in terms of finding the right balance between performance, cost, quality as well as reliability of continuous supply. Also, choosing the correct microphone type and model to suit the needs of the device can be challenging.


Mosomic has strong knowhow on choosing suppliers and components based on Mikko's experience on both sides of the table as the buyer of 3 Billion microphones (at Nokia) and as the supplier of high quality microphones (at Bosch/Akustica). He has done 25 microphone production line and factory audits so he  also knows what to look for in suppliers' production facilities and practices to ensure high component quality.


Requirement Setting

Understanding the requirements set by the device and its use cases on microphones is a crucial part of producing high-performance sound and speech capture devices. Mosomic helps customers understand what's important and specify the right performance levels, characteristics, features and reliability capabilities for the microphones that they buy.


Supplier Management

Managing microphone suppliers to ensure timely availability of the right components and high quality is a key part of ramping up device manufacturing and producing reliable high-performance goods successfully. Mikko has a solid background in managing projects, suppliers and collaborators successfully.