Sivusto ei tue käyttämääsi selainta. Suosittelemme selaimen päivittämistä uudempaan versioon.

The burden of figuring out market needs, defining killer components and getting on the same page with customers relieved.

Services for Microphone Manufacturers


Product Definition and Roadmapping

Mosomic can create specifications for regular microphones as well as for microphones with advanced features. Mosomic can also help identify end customer (device buyer) pain points and recognize the improvements in the microphones that bring the greatest benefits to the device manufacturer and their devices. We provide assistance with the identification of the optimal compromises between development cost, component cost and component value. We are experienced in longer-term product portfolio planning based on market needs and the technological capabilities of the microphone manufacturer.


Product Engineering and Marketing

Mosomic can oversee the development of new components and help the manufacturer make sure all microphone properties fit the intended devices and use cases. We can also collaborate with the manufacturer to make sure short- and long-term development activities address the right market needs.


Technical Market Analyses

Mosomic can provide analyses of the microphone market as well as end customer and device landscapes to help the manufacturer understand microphone needs in the near and farther future in terms of performance, features, price and size.


Documentation Creation

Mosomic can create a wide variety of documentation:

  • Component requirements and specifications
  • Plans, roadmaps
  • Marketing materials, presentations
  • Customer documentation, application notes, white papers, educational training materials