The MEMS Microphone Book - Table of Contents
1 Foreword. 1-17
2 Sound and Acoustics. 2-19
2.1 Sound. 2-19
2.1.1 Audio Frequency Range. 2-21
2.1.2 Ultrasound. 2-22
2.1.3 Infrasound. 2-24
2.2 Importances of Different Frequencies. 2-25
2.3 Audio Frequencies. 2-26
2.3.1 Sub Bass and Bass Frequencies. 2-26
2.3.2 Low Midrange, Midrange and High Midrange. 2-29
2.3.3 High Frequencies. 2-30
2.3.4 Microphones vs. Audio Frequency Band. 2-31
2.4 Audio Frequency Bands. 2-32
2.5 A-Weighting. 2-33
2.6 Wavelength of Sound. 2-34
2.7 Sound Pressure Level 2-35
2.8 Sound Pressure Level Range (for a Microphone) 2-40
2.9 Sound Pressure Attenuation. 2-40
2.10 Sound Propagation. 2-43
2.10.1 Sound Propagation Factors. 2-43
2.10.2 Absorption. 2-45
2.10.3 Reflections and Reverberation. 2-46
2.10.4 Diffraction. 2-50
2.10.5 Other Propagation Factors. 2-51
2.11 Distance from the Source: Near Field vs. Far Field. 2-52
2.12 Helmholtz Resonance. 2-53
3 Microphone Basics. 3-56
3.1 Microphones. 3-56
3.1.1 Sound Capturing. 3-56
3.1.2 Microphone Types. 3-59
3.2 Structure of a Capacitive Microphone. 3-63
3.2.1 Sound Port 3-65
3.2.2 Front Volume. 3-66
3.2.3 Membrane. 3-67
3.2.4 Pressure Vent Hole. 3-69
3.2.5 Membrane – Back-Plate Gap. 3-70
3.2.6 Back-Plate. 3-71
3.2.7 Back Volume. 3-72
3.3 Acoustic Resistances. 3-73
3.4 Directionality. 3-75
4 Key Value Indicator Introduction. 4-76
4.1 What Are Key Value Indicators? 4-76
4.2 Brief Key Value Indicator Descriptions. 4-78
5 Key Value Indicator Details. 5-85
5.1 Sensitivity. 5-85
5.1.1 Definition of Sensitivity. 5-85
5.1.2 Definition of dBFS. 5-88
5.1.3 Sensitivity vs. Dynamic Range. 5-89
5.1.4 Sensitivity Standardization. 5-90
5.1.5 Sensitivity Matching. 5-91
5.1.6 Sensitivity Tolerance. 5-92
5.1.7 Sensitivity Variables. 5-94
5.1.8 Sensitivity Measurement vs. Reflow. 5-95
5.2 Polarity. 5-95
5.3 Directivity / Directionality. 5-96
5.4 Frequency Response. 5-99
5.4.1 Frequency Response Goals. 5-101
5.4.2 Frequency Response Factors in a Microphone System. 5-104
5.4.3 Frequency Response Matching. 5-107
5.4.4 Ultrasonic Frequency Response. 5-108
5.4.5 Transient Response. 5-109
5.5 Phase. 5-110
5.6 Phase Response. 5-112
5.7 Group Delay. 5-116
5.8 Interlude 1: Phase vs. System Performance. 5-117
5.8.1 Phase Matching and Accuracy. 5-117
5.8.2 Comb Filtering. 5-119
5.8.3 Source Localization. 5-122
5.8.4 Active Noise Cancellation. 5-123
5.8.5 Echo Cancellation. 5-125
5.8.6 Barge-in. 5-128
5.8.7 Sound Frequency and Wavelength vs. Phase and Level Detection. 5-131
5.9 Interlude 2: Noise vs. Signal 5-134
5.9.1 Acoustical Signal / Noise Contributors. 5-135
5.9.2 Electrical Signal / Noise Contributors. 5-137
5.9.3 Noise vs. Speech Intelligibility and Sound Quality. 5-142
5.10 Self-noise, Equivalent Input Noise and SNR. 5-147
5.10.1 Self-noise. 5-147
5.10.2 Equivalent Input Noise (EIN) 5-148
5.10.3 Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) 5-152
5.11 Interlude 3: Distortion Types. 5-153
5.11.1 Distortion. 5-153
5.11.2 Harmonic Distortion. 5-154
5.11.3 Frequency Response Distortion. 5-155
5.11.4 Phase Distortion. 5-155
5.11.5 Amplitude Distortion. 5-155
5.11.6 Compression. 5-155
5.11.7 Analog to Digital Conversion Distortion. 5-157
5.11.8 Analog vs. Digital Clipping. 5-157
5.11.9 Is Noise Distortion?. 5-158
5.11.10 Distortion Sources. 5-158
5.12 Total Harmonic Distortion. 5-161
5.12.1 Definition of THD. 5-161
5.12.2 Distortion Requirements. 5-162
5.13 Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise. 5-165
5.14 Acoustic Overload Point 5-165
5.15 Dynamic Range. 5-168
5.15.1 Definition of Dynamic Range. 5-168
5.15.2 Improvement of Dynamic Range. 5-169
5.15.3 Operating Voltage. 5-170
5.16 Current Consumption. 5-171
5.16.1 Importance of Current Consumption. 5-171
5.16.2 Operating Modes. 5-173
5.17 Power Supply Rejection (Ratio) 5-174
5.17.1 Power Supply Rejection and Electrical Robustness. 5-175
5.17.2 Power Supply Disturbance Rejection Performance Factors. 5-177
5.18 RF Immunity. 5-178
5.18.1 Importance of RF Immunity. 5-178
5.18.2 RF Immunity Factors. 5-180
5.19 ESD Immunity. 5-182
5.20 Light Sensitivity. 5-185
5.21 Microphone Stability, Matching and Reliability. 5-186
5.21.1 Stability. 5-186
5.21.2 Matching. 5-187
5.21.3 Reliability and Robustness. 5-190
6 Electroacoustic Testing. 6-192
6.1 Sensitivity Measurements. 6-192
6.2 Polarity Measurements. 6-194
6.3 Directivity Measurements. 6-195
6.4 Frequency Response Measurements. 6-196
6.4.1 Free Field Frequency Response. 6-196
6.4.2 Diffuse Field Frequency Response and Sensitivity. 6-200
6.5 Phase Shift and Phase Response Measurements. 6-201
6.6 Group Delay Measurements. 6-204
6.7 Self-noise Measurements. 6-205
6.8 Equivalent Input Noise Measurements. 6-206
6.9 Signal to Noise Ratio Measurements. 6-206
6.10 Total Harmonic Distortion Measurements. 6-207
6.11 Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise Measurements. 6-208
6.12 Acoustic Overload Point Measurements. 6-209
6.13 Dynamic Range Measurements. 6-209
6.14 Current Consumption Measurements. 6-209
6.15 Power Supply Rejection (Ratio) Measurements. 6-210
6.16 Short Circuit Current and Output Load Capacitance. 6-211
6.17 RF Tests. 6-211
6.17.1 Direct Injection Test 6-214
6.17.2 Near-field Radiation Test 6-214
6.17.3 TDMA Test (3GPP Idle Channel Noise Sending Test) 6-214
6.17.4 Audio Breakthrough Test 6-215
6.18 Light Sensitivity Tests. 6-215
6.19 Mobile Phone Type Approval Tests. 6-216
6.20 Production Testing. 6-217
7 Electroacoustic Test Systems. 7-219
7.1 Electroacoustic Test Setup. 7-219
7.2 Electroacoustic Test Signals (Sensitivity, SNR, THD) 7-222
7.3 Requirements for Electroacoustic Test Systems. 7-223
7.3.1 Mitigation of Test System Noise. 7-223
7.3.2 Noise Measurement vs. Test System Noise. 7-226
7.4 Electroacoustic Test Environment 7-227
7.5 The Human Factor. 7-228
8 MEMS Microphones. 8-229
8.1 Package. 8-229
8.1.1 Sound Port 8-231
8.1.2 Building Blocks of the Package. 8-232
8.1.3 Package Acoustics – Front Volume and Back Volume. 8-233
8.1.4 Package Types: Bottom Port and Top Port 8-235
8.1.5 Sealing Ring. 8-238
8.1.6 Electrical Connections. 8-239
8.1.7 Contact Pads. 8-242
8.1.8 Other Package Specifications. 8-243
8.1.9 Faraday Cage. 8-245
8.2 MEMS Sensor. 8-247
8.2.1 Structure and Functionality. 8-247
8.2.2 Properties and Performance of a Capacitive Sensor. 8-249
8.2.3 Other Sensor Types. 8-259
8.3 ASIC. 8-260
8.4 Functionality of a MEMS Microphone. 8-263
8.5 MEMS Microphone Modeling and Simulations. 8-265
8.6 MEMS Microphone Manufacturing. 8-268
8.7 Cost and Price of a MEMS Microphone. 8-271
8.8 Size of a MEMS Microphone. 8-274
8.9 Materials and Environmental Regulations. 8-276
9 MEMS vs. ECMs and Normal-Scale Microphones. 9-277
9.1 MEMS vs. ECM. 9-277
9.2 MEMS Microphones vs. Normal-Scale Microphones. 9-281
9.2.1 Membrane Properties vs. Capturing Accuracy. 9-281
9.2.2 Membrane Size vs. Sensitivity. 9-284
9.2.3 Membrane Size vs. Off-axis Capturing. 9-284
9.2.4 Performance, Size, Cost and Versatility. 9-287
10 Microphone Needs of a Device Manufacturer 10-291
10.1 What Is Important for a Device Manufacturer?. 10-291
10.2 Risk Mitigation. 10-293
10.3 Sources of Microphone Requirements. 10-294
11 Implementation Goals. 11-297
11.1 Implementation Goals: Capturing Performance. 11-298
11.2 Implementation Goals: Reliability. 11-299
11.3 Implementation Goals: Low Cost 11-300
11.4 Implementation Goals: Small Size. 11-302
11.5 Implementation Goals: Stability and Accuracy. 11-303
11.6 Choosing the Right Microphone for an Application. 11-304
11.6.1 Microphone Package Type. 11-305
11.6.2 Microphone Size. 11-305
11.6.3 Electrical Interface. 11-306
11.6.4 Performance. 11-307
11.6.5 Robustness. 11-311
11.6.6 Current Consumption. 11-311
11.6.7 Price. 11-312
12 Acoustical Implementation. 12-313
12.1 Acoustic Channel 12-313
12.2 Goals for Acoustical Implementation. 12-315
12.2.1 Acoustic Design. 12-315
12.2.2 Acoustic Stability. 12-316
12.3 Acoustical Implementation Guidelines. 12-317
12.3.1 Sound Channel and Microphone Acoustics. 12-317
12.3.2 Acoustical Factors in the Sound Channel 12-320
12.3.3 External Acoustical Factors. 12-321
12.3.4 Implementation for Ultrasound. 12-322
12.3.5 Acoustic Simulations. 12-324
12.4 Acoustical Implementation Examples. 12-325
13 Mechanical Implementation. 13-327
13.1 Mechanical Implementation of MEMS Microphones. 13-327
13.2 Acoustic Sealing. 13-328
13.3 Acoustic Sealing Guidelines. 13-330
13.3.1 Tolerance Chain Example. 13-335
13.3.2 Challenging Sealing Cases. 13-337
13.3.3 Testing of Sealing and Leaks in Device Production. 13-339
13.4 Mechanical Implementation to Prevent Echo. 13-340
13.5 Handling Noise. 13-342
13.6 Implementation Size. 13-345
13.6.1 Implementation Size of a Bottom Port Microphone. 13-346
13.6.2 Implementation Size of a Top Port Microphone. 13-347
13.7 Microphone Placement in a Device. 13-349
13.7.1 Locations in Relation to the Surface of the Device. 13-349
13.7.2 Locations in Relation to Corners, Edges and Flat Surfaces. 13-350
13.7.3 Locations in a Microphone Array. 13-350
13.7.4 Locations in Relation to Noise Sources within the Device. 13-353
13.7.5 Locations in Relation to Heat Sources. 13-354
13.7.6 Locations in Relation to Wanted Sound Sources. 13-355
13.7.7 Locations in Relation to Ambient Noise Sources. 13-355
13.7.8 Locations in Relation to Sources of Mechanical Stresses. 13-359
13.7.9 Industrial Design / Device Appearance. 13-360
13.8 Protection of MEMS Microphones in a Device. 13-360
13.8.1 Protection from Contamination. 13-360
13.8.2 Protection from Abuse. 13-364
14 Electrical Implementation: Analog Microphones. 14-365
14.1 MEMS Microphone Interfaces. 14-365
14.2 Implementation Goals for Analog Microphones. 14-366
14.3 Analog Microphone Interfaces. 14-369
14.3.1 Differential Interface. 14-369
14.3.2 Single-ended Interface. 14-373
14.3.3 Analog Interface Voltage vs. Sound Pressure Level 14-374
14.4 Analog Microphone Implementation Guidelines. 14-377
14.4.1 General Guidelines. 14-377
14.4.2 Output Signal Path. 14-379
15 Electrical Implementation: Digital Microphones. 15-382
15.1 Electrical Implementation of Digital Microphones. 15-382
15.2 Pros and Cons of Digital Microphones. 15-383
15.3 PDM Interface. 15-386
15.3.1 Disadvantages of PDM 15-389
15.3.2 Conversion from PDM to an Analog Signal 15-391
15.3.3 Conversion from PDM to PCM (and Back) 15-391
15.3.4 Other PDM MEMS Microphone Specifications. 15-392
15.4 Other Digital Interfaces. 15-394
15.4.1 I2S / PCM. 15-394
15.4.2 Other Digital Interfaces. 15-395
15.5 Digital Microphone Implementation Guidelines. 15-398
15.5.1 General Guidelines. 15-398
15.5.2 Signal Connections in a Digital Microphone System. 15-400
15.6 PDM Microphone Clock & Timing. 15-402
15.6.1 Audio Bandwidth, Clock Frequency and Oversampling Ratio. 15-402
15.6.2 Microphone Timing. 15-403
15.6.3 Requirements for Host System Clock. 15-404
15.6.4 Requirements for Timings of Microphones. 15-406
15.7 IO Voltage Levels. 15-408
15.8 Requirements for Digital Signal Paths. 15-410
15.9 Left/Right Selection. 15-412
15.10 Sleep Mode. 15-413
15.11 Microphone Powered Off 15-414
16 Electrical Implementation: EMC, RF, ESD. 16-415
16.1 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 16-415
16.1.1 EMC. 16-415
16.1.2 Consequences of EMC Problems. 16-417
16.2 Conducted and Radiated Disturbances. 16-419
16.2.1 Conducted Disturbances. 16-419
16.2.2 Radiated Disturbances. 16-420
16.3 Disturbance Mitigation Guidelines. 16-421
16.3.1 Microphone Component 16-421
16.3.2 Circuit Design (Schematic) 16-421
16.3.3 Grounding. 16-422
16.3.4 Layout and Component Placement 16-424
16.3.5 Shielding and Faraday Cage. 16-427
16.3.6 Disturbance Filtering. 16-429
16.3.7 Power Supply Disturbance Mitigation. 16-433
16.4 Electrostatic Discharges (ESD) 16-433
16.4.1 ESD. 16-433
16.4.2 Improvement of ESD Immunity. 16-434
17 Directional Microphone Systems. 17-436
17.1 Directional Microphones. 17-436
17.1.1 Benefits of Directional Microphones. 17-436
17.1.2 Microphone Directionality (Directivity) 17-438
17.1.3 Drawbacks of Directional MEMS Microphones. 17-440
17.2 Directional Microphone Arrays. 17-442
17.3 Endfire Arrays. 17-444
17.3.1 Endfire Arrays – Pressure Gradient Microphones. 17-446
17.3.2 Endfire Arrays – Combination Microphones. 17-452
17.3.3 Delays for Cardioid Arrays. 17-457
17.3.4 Proximity Effect 17-458
17.3.5 Inverse Square Law. 17-462
17.4 Broadside Arrays. 17-464
17.5 Microphone Array Design Considerations. 17-467
17.5.1 Distance between Microphones (+ Acoustic Variables) 17-467
17.5.2 Array Variables. 17-468
17.6 Omnidirectional Microphones vs. Directional Capsules vs. Directional Arrays. 17-471
18 Wind vs. MEMS Microphones. 18-474
18.1 Wind Noise. 18-474
18.1.1 Wind Noise Types. 18-476
18.1.2 Wind Noise Testing. 18-477
18.1.3 Wind Noise in Directional Microphones. 18-477
18.2 Wind Noise Reduction Techniques. 18-479
18.2.1 Acoustical Wind Noise Reduction. 18-481
18.2.2 Electrical Wind Noise Reduction. 18-485
18.2.3 Other Wind Noise Reduction Possibilities. 18-488
19 Reliability Fundamentals. 19-490
19.1 Microphone Reliability. 19-490
19.2 Reliability Factors. 19-491
19.2.1 The Microphone. 19-491
19.2.2 The Device. 19-493
19.3 Microphone Reliability Problems in Devices. 19-495
19.3.1 Importance of Well-working Microphones. 19-495
19.3.2 Consequences and Cost of Reliability Problems. 19-496
19.3.3 Device Reliability Risk Mitigation. 19-499
19.4 Causes for Problems: Troubleshooting. 19-500
19.4.1 Causes for Quality and Reliability Problems in a Device. 19-501
19.4.2 Causes for Quality and Reliability Problems in a Microphone. 19-503
20 Reliability Hazards. 20-507
20.1 Environmental Factors. 20-507
20.1.1 General Environmental Factors. 20-507
20.1.2 Manufacturing: Reflow and Reworking. 20-508
20.2 Contamination. 20-510
20.2.1 Effects of Liquid Contamination. 20-512
20.2.2 Effects of Solid Contamination. 20-513
20.2.3 Consequences of Contamination. 20-514
20.3 Mechanical Abuse. 20-515
20.4 Pressure Shocks. 20-519
21 Improvement of Microphone Reliability. 21-521
21.1 Immunity Against Environmental Factors. 21-521
21.2 Contamination Immunity. 21-524
21.2.1 Solid Contamination – Internal Particles. 21-525
21.2.2 Solid Contamination – External Particles. 21-527
21.2.3 Liquid Contamination and Fumes. 21-529
21.2.4 Summary: Contamination Immunity Improvement 21-530
21.2.5 Prevention of Contamination Ingress. 21-531
21.3 Mechanical Reliability. 21-532
21.4 Pressure Shocks. 21-535
22 Reliability in Device Production. 22-536
22.1 Reliability in Production. 22-536
22.1.1 Mechanical Threats in Device Assembly. 22-537
22.1.2 Pick & Place Process (and Tape & Reel Packaging) 22-538
22.1.3 Vacuum. 22-540
22.1.4 Contamination. 22-540
22.1.5 Cleaning. 22-541
22.1.6 Ultrasonic Operations. 22-542
22.1.7 Excessive Temperatures. 22-542
22.1.8 ESD. 22-542
22.2 Reflow Soldering. 22-543
22.2.1 Reflow. 22-543
22.2.2 Moisture Sensitivity Level 22-546
22.3 Sealing Ring and Solder Paste. 22-547
22.3.1 Sealing Ring. 22-547
22.3.2 Application of Solder Paste. 22-547
22.4 Reworking. 22-549
23 Reliability Testing and Verification. 23-552
23.1 Reliability Testing of MEMS Microphones. 23-552
23.2 Drop and Impact Tests. 23-553
23.2.1 Guided Drop Test 23-555
23.2.2 Tumble Test (Unguided Drop Test) 23-556
23.3 Pressure Shock Tests. 23-557
23.3.1 Compressed Air and Vacuum Tests. 23-557
23.3.2 Acoustic Sound Pressure Tests. 23-557
23.4 Vibration Tests. 23-558
23.5 Environmental Tests. 23-559
23.6 Contamination Tests. 23-562
23.7 ESD Tests. 23-563
23.8 Reflow Tests. 23-565
23.9 Latch-up Test & DC Safety Check. 23-566
23.9.1 Latch-up Test 23-566
23.9.2 DC Safety Check. 23-567
23.10 Maximum Ratings Tests. 23-567
23.11 Use Case Tests. 23-568
23.11.1 Pressure and Sound Sensor Displacement Tests. 23-570
23.11.2 Temperature and Humidity Tests. 23-570
23.11.3 Deformation Tests. 23-572
23.12 Failure Analysis. 23-572
23.13 Reliability Simulation. 23-574
23.14 Transportation Packaging Testing. 23-575
23.15 Quality. 23-576
24 Appendix – Calculations: Decibel, Sensitivity, Input SPL, Output Voltage, Noise. 24-577
Definition of Decibel 24-577
Electrical Signal Level Conversions: Volt – dBV – Volt 24-577
Sound Pressure Conversions: Pascal – dBSPL – Pascal 24-578
Combination of Decibels. 24-578
Peak Value, Root Mean Square Value and Crest Factor. 24-578
Sensitivity of a Microphone. 24-579
Output Voltage at 94dBSPL. 24-580
Output Voltage at a Given Sound Pressure Level 24-581
Microphone Input SPL at a Given Output Voltage. 24-582
EIN at a Given Output Noise Level 24-583
Decibel Ratios. 24-584
EXTRA: Sound Pressure Levels vs. Output Voltages. 24-585
25 Updates and Notes. 25-587
26 References. 26-588
27 Index. 27-591